For those who were unable to get the emails, these are for you....
So the saga of having guinea pigs in the Faust home continues. The pigs still live....even while living under the same roof as me (robb), the most anti-pet person of them all!
our vet experience:
We took them to the vet (aka the Petsmart Doctor) last week to get their toenails cut. We were supposed to be doing this regularly (ha!). First of all, none of us have the guts to hold their little claws and clip each nail. (they have veins in their toes, so snipping too far down will exert blood all over the place - none of us could stomach it).
Anyway, we all watched the doctor do it - he did good until he met Brownie. Brownie decided to first pee all over him (which absolutely killed the kids in laughter!) and then squeal when the blood started - - geesh, you'd think a vet could DO these things....So now we have finely clipped nails on our 24 TOES of the 6 PIGS! (who would have thought they'd live this long?)
While we were there, we asked him to tell us "which were which." Yes, the questions had still remained. They were born a while back, and we had made our guesses. We needed to know FOR SURE what sexes they were....because at this point we had absolutely no more room in the laundry room for these creatures - they were taking over! If you're not aware, we had 3, yes THREE, cages in our laundry room - with the little boogers all separated out "so the daddy doesn't, first, EAT the babies" and then "so the daddy doesn't make more babies with the babies or the mommy." Geesh. Like we want to start explaining THAT already! Oh, and the cages were stacked on top of each other in what sort of looks like a Guinea Pig Condominium Complex. But I digress....let's get back to the story...
Having never had a pet in my life, I assumed you just look between the legs and tell them apart. Apparently it's not that easy with guinea pigs. We were wrong in our guesses - - all of our guesses. The proper way to know the sex of guinea pigs: hold the booger face up (like they are going to pee right in your eye) and proceed to squeeze where you think their TESTICLES are! Then - - if while squeezing, this QUITE LARGE PENIS LOOKING THING bursts through the skin - - - THEN you have a male!!!
And oh my goodness.....we have three of them! The process itself made me want to be a woman! :)
another update from the Faust Family Pig Farm...
for some time now, after the shock of reproducing 4 additional guinea pigs into our family of 2 "females", we've been trying to figure out how to reduce our family size. This has entailed a host of questions like: which ones to get rid of...umm..I mean which of the cute little piggies we can ask another child to adopt....or other questions like: who do we know that needs another pet, will the pet place take them back, is there an animal shelter nearby, or can't we just throw them in a field...sorry...that was MY question popping through my head...
Anyway, we decided that we would say "goodbye" to the boys (they ARE the most trouble, you know!) and went forth to list them on this past week.
*before going further, I must note that deciding to get rid of the boys was a much more complex decision than it might seem. Explanation as to WHY was easy (they are stinkier than the girls, they are more roudy than the girls, we can't keep paying $3000 for food - okay, I'm exagerrating a little). What was hardest was explaining TO the kids about WHO was leaving (aka "Kasey" "Chocolate" and "Spikey, Jr.") - - we all were pretty much in agreement with saying bye-bye to Kasey. He's the dad and quite sex-driven, I should add! :) Unfortunately for Chocolate, he was just one of the babies that had an identity crisis. I was the one always confusing him with the girl named "Brownie" and thus he was mostly forgotten about...And of course, Spikey Jr was Cream of the Cute Crop! He was our son's favorite (I must admit, he was definitely the Cutie Pie of the Pig Population). And tears were shed over giving up the Cute one...
Okay - enough of the sob story, let's get back to the good stuff. I listed the little boogers on - with pictures and a story that only Robb could describe....yes, yes. I gave it a little twist using the whole ".....and then there were six" - it was funny. Anyway, we got 8 immediate emails and finally a "meet up with me" email.
* humor me and read on while I yet again interject my story:
this whole email thing was cracking me up. "oh my kids would love them, are they really free?" or "I'm interested - call me!" or "I can meet you at Meijer on Tuesday at 5pm" - - - forgive me, but I felt like I was going behind an alley to sell drugs or something. I talked to a complete stranger about the weird hours of my day, how to "hook up" with her schedule, and "deliver the goods." It was hysterical!
back to the story...we decided to meet in Mason at 4pm on Friday afternoon. I was getting off work early, so my plan was to come home, pick up the pigs, and meet the new family at Culvers Restaurant. We told the kids the news on Thursday night. They of course stopped what they were doing and decided to play with the 3 boys for a while that night (because you know they didn't originally have that planned in their "play" schedule that night...) They shed more tears over losing Spikey Jr. Mommy tried to explain the adoption process. I just tried to hold in my tears.....of JOY!
The morning came. Normal routine. Don't forget to say bye to the boys...Daddy's dropping them off before you come home tonight...They say good-bye and get on the bus. I had to mow the lawn, take a shower....and then it hit me! Hmmm...In order to make this easier for me at work today, I'll take the pigs with me to work and then I'll have them with me in the car...I can leave a little later from work and not have to stop home...with Friday night traffic, this will work great. So - that's what I did. Ethan said his good-byes on the way to the sitter's house, and I drove the "boys" to work with me. Kept em in the office with me - my associate thought we had Ewoks among us with the grunting and the whistling... overall the day went just fine...left at the right time and headed to Mason with pigs in the front seat.
Mind you, I was going a little slower than normal; they were a little "antsy" while driving...It seemed to me that little dudes knew just what was going on and they continued to stare up at me with those eyes....those little eyes.....Ah! we're getting close to Mason, and I'm seeing a lot of traffic ahead.
***NOW, if you know anything about Fausts from the Head Matriarch's know that when I said I left on time REALLY meant I left at just the time that I needed to leave without any interruptions in order to get to where I was going "on time." traffic was not an option.***
I did however have the lady's cell phone number and proceeded to call her to let her know of the situation. The great part was that she was just ahead of me (after picking up her kids from school), so we were able to quickly redefine the original meeting place and met at the BP at the next exit! Pulled over, got out, delivered the goods, talked a little (mostly about how she & the kids already have 2 dogs and a lizard at home. they are going to set up a huge cage that the boys can just run all over the place in), and set them on their way...
So. 3 little piggies found themselves a new little home. Thank Goodness.
The Faust family has made a decision. In our recent history, it’s taken quite some time to reach this conclusion. Along with some parental persuasion, from the cleanliest depths of our souls, this result will affect ALL members of the family – including Daddy (who is the happiest one of all)!!
You guessed it: we are “delivering the goods” once again - - this time, for good.
Our female guinea pigs have lasted in our family for just over half of one year. The kids have enjoyed playing with them, holding them, and talking to them. But Spike, Chippy, and Brownie have peed, pooped, flicked their bedding outside of the cage, and smelled up our house for the last time! And Daddy is very happy.
We posted the pig pictures on the web this evening, and we have already planned the “drop-off” for tomorrow night.
As the saying goes, “Out with the old and in with the new.”
Any parent knows the art of making a convincing trade. So we got rid of the pigs (yippee!) and then we traded “up” for an early birthday present: an aquarium – the kids can pick out the fish. We’re all set up (the water is “brewing”). Fish come tomorrow. I think they want a swimmy frog and a snail too! THAT should be interesting. I’m sure you’ll receive an update after the purchasing is completed.
So – Daddy is VERY pleased with the outcome: no more poop flicked in my shoes & coat, no more constant vacuuming up the bedding crap, and no more squeaky little grunts when I pull out a bag from the refrigerator. I think I can get used to a tank of water in my family room.
I'm not used to being fat. Where before I walked from my car to the office building, now I waddle. My arms used to just hang straight down. Now they swish against my protruding stomach. I used to see my feet when standing up. Now they are blocked by what looks like a bump on my body. The inside of my thighs itch from being rubbed all day long against each other. I'm exhausted after carrying my sleeping daughter up one flight of steps to her room. I sweat like a pig, for no reason. I'm tired more and hungry more (or so it seems). I'm just not used to being fat.
It's not always been this way. In college, I was skinnier than a pole. At that point in life, I needed to gain weight. It was a little ridiculous. When I got married almost 14 years ago, I gained that necessary weight to make me a bit more "normal." And then I guess, I just kept going.
See....I like sweets. I'm not talking about eating sweets here and there. I'm talking about indulging myself in sweets at every meal, in between meals, in between snacks, and as much as I can before bed. If I could eat while sleeping, I probably would! I just love food. And no, I'm not blaming anybody in my past. I know it's me. I know I have no willpower. I know what's good for me - and I know what's not. Unfortunately God made all those "nots" so yummy! I love Swiss Cake Rolls and Oatmeal Cream Pies for breakfast. Cereal's good too, but it's gotta have sugar. I love salad & vegetables (good for you!), and I love the cheese & dressings on top (not so good for you!) I know I can change. I've done it....for a little bit.
Yep. I did Weight Watchers for 6 months. It was really quite good for me. I felt better, and I lost the poundage. I paid the monthly fee, went to the meetings, and counted those points. I actually impressed my self. I didn't think I had it in me. But I really did well. Those points are a BITER....especially when you love chocolate as much as I do. I went through withdrawal....from the chocolate. I was rather irritable ~ at work mostly. Once I got past that craziness, things were much better. That sugar-free crap was starting to taste a little more normal. I wasn't craving the sweets as much, and I was losing weight. I actually reduced 2 pants sizes and 1 size in shirts.
Now, mind you, I vowed during my time in Weight Watchers that I was not going to exercise. I think I've mentioned before that me and sports/exercise are oil & vinegar ~ we don't mix well. So, in my head I wasn't going to add any type of exercise to my daily routine - - and see what happened. I lost a good 24 pounds. My goal was 25. That one little pound was INSANE to accomplish.....and right about the time it was going to was the week of my vacation with the family. And yep. You guessed it - - all things WW was thrown out the window, never to be talked about again! And now, it's almost a year later. I've gained back the 24 and probably more. Not real sure, since the scale is "broke" (aka "I'm not getting on that thing if it kills me").
So - all this to say ~ I'm still not used to being fat. I waddle, grunt when I move from the couch, and notice myself wiggling & pushing my body out of the car (my grandpa does that!) I can hardly take my wedding ring's starting to cut off the circulation in my finger. I'm using the first hole in my belts (and I actually busted a belt! popped right off!).
This whole fat thing has got me off-kilter. I need to do something about it. Hmmmm....maybe tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll eat a cookie and feel good about myself! LOL!
It's not always been this way. In college, I was skinnier than a pole. At that point in life, I needed to gain weight. It was a little ridiculous. When I got married almost 14 years ago, I gained that necessary weight to make me a bit more "normal." And then I guess, I just kept going.
See....I like sweets. I'm not talking about eating sweets here and there. I'm talking about indulging myself in sweets at every meal, in between meals, in between snacks, and as much as I can before bed. If I could eat while sleeping, I probably would! I just love food. And no, I'm not blaming anybody in my past. I know it's me. I know I have no willpower. I know what's good for me - and I know what's not. Unfortunately God made all those "nots" so yummy! I love Swiss Cake Rolls and Oatmeal Cream Pies for breakfast. Cereal's good too, but it's gotta have sugar. I love salad & vegetables (good for you!), and I love the cheese & dressings on top (not so good for you!) I know I can change. I've done it....for a little bit.
Yep. I did Weight Watchers for 6 months. It was really quite good for me. I felt better, and I lost the poundage. I paid the monthly fee, went to the meetings, and counted those points. I actually impressed my self. I didn't think I had it in me. But I really did well. Those points are a BITER....especially when you love chocolate as much as I do. I went through withdrawal....from the chocolate. I was rather irritable ~ at work mostly. Once I got past that craziness, things were much better. That sugar-free crap was starting to taste a little more normal. I wasn't craving the sweets as much, and I was losing weight. I actually reduced 2 pants sizes and 1 size in shirts.
Now, mind you, I vowed during my time in Weight Watchers that I was not going to exercise. I think I've mentioned before that me and sports/exercise are oil & vinegar ~ we don't mix well. So, in my head I wasn't going to add any type of exercise to my daily routine - - and see what happened. I lost a good 24 pounds. My goal was 25. That one little pound was INSANE to accomplish.....and right about the time it was going to was the week of my vacation with the family. And yep. You guessed it - - all things WW was thrown out the window, never to be talked about again! And now, it's almost a year later. I've gained back the 24 and probably more. Not real sure, since the scale is "broke" (aka "I'm not getting on that thing if it kills me").
So - all this to say ~ I'm still not used to being fat. I waddle, grunt when I move from the couch, and notice myself wiggling & pushing my body out of the car (my grandpa does that!) I can hardly take my wedding ring's starting to cut off the circulation in my finger. I'm using the first hole in my belts (and I actually busted a belt! popped right off!).
This whole fat thing has got me off-kilter. I need to do something about it. Hmmmm....maybe tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll eat a cookie and feel good about myself! LOL!
Friday I helped set up the Standard Publishing exhibit at the Small Groups Conference at Cincinnati Christian University. Since I'd left CCU on good terms, being nervous about seeing people I'd previously worked with was really at the back of my mind. I was focused on presenting SP well, and it was actually fun to see former colleagues. I did, however, venture into my former "stomping ground" (the CCU Bookstore) feeling a little weird about it all. Once I arrived though, it was fairly normal ~ I had to walk in the front door this time (which was weird) and stand in front of the counter (which was weirder). The student workers that had worked for me were still there and served me very well - - I hope I had some influence in that, but I know the current interim manager (my former assistant) has probably had more influence than I! :)
Knowing that lunch breaks are few and far between in the Bookstore, I timidly asked if Beth (the manager) was able to leave for lunch - - and she was! Again, it was obvious she does the scheduling a little different & allows herself a break now and then! :) We enjoyed the original Skyline Chili down the street and caught up on the "ins & outs" of Bookstore Management. It was really fun!
From there I enjoyed a trip to the Warehouse for SP. I had 3 skids that needed to be put back in correct locations and I needed to pick up some products for upcoming summer events. I'm working on approximately 45 gift packs of varying sizes & value to give-away at these larger events. I'm starting early so I can spread them out. Then back to the office for tons of paperwork and catching up. The day was BEAUTIFUL - a roll-down-your-window-and-drive kind of day!
Yesterday we enjoyed a supremely wonderful day with our good friends, the Dericos, in Indy. The kids had a great time playing all afternoon - and we adults lavished ourselves in good food and fun conversation! As always we just love getting together, catching up, and laughing a lot!
I sincerely appreciate friends who we can feel so comfortable with ~ even after a long stretch of time.
And then today we are enjoying a relaxing day at home. Got up & went to the 9:30 service, out to lunch, a little shopping, and now home with the kids. It's a little cool & rainy outside, so we're staying in and enjoying the couch mostly.
Nothing really exciting this week....
Knowing that lunch breaks are few and far between in the Bookstore, I timidly asked if Beth (the manager) was able to leave for lunch - - and she was! Again, it was obvious she does the scheduling a little different & allows herself a break now and then! :) We enjoyed the original Skyline Chili down the street and caught up on the "ins & outs" of Bookstore Management. It was really fun!
From there I enjoyed a trip to the Warehouse for SP. I had 3 skids that needed to be put back in correct locations and I needed to pick up some products for upcoming summer events. I'm working on approximately 45 gift packs of varying sizes & value to give-away at these larger events. I'm starting early so I can spread them out. Then back to the office for tons of paperwork and catching up. The day was BEAUTIFUL - a roll-down-your-window-and-drive kind of day!
Yesterday we enjoyed a supremely wonderful day with our good friends, the Dericos, in Indy. The kids had a great time playing all afternoon - and we adults lavished ourselves in good food and fun conversation! As always we just love getting together, catching up, and laughing a lot!
I sincerely appreciate friends who we can feel so comfortable with ~ even after a long stretch of time.
And then today we are enjoying a relaxing day at home. Got up & went to the 9:30 service, out to lunch, a little shopping, and now home with the kids. It's a little cool & rainy outside, so we're staying in and enjoying the couch mostly.
Nothing really exciting this week....
basketball and robb
Those that know me know I don't even know who is playing....apparently tonight.
I think it goes without saying that I'm clueless when it comes to basketball - - or any sport for that matter. I take that back. I do enjoy tennis - I stay up all hours of the night to watch the matches across the world. So I guess I do enjoy ONE sport, huh?
The whole sport thing is a mystery to me. I guess since I didn't watch much growing up, I was able to "save" myself from the madness. Yes...we must acknowledge that my father tried and tried to get us (me & my brother) involved in sports. The best part, however, is that my dad just let us be us....he didn't push anything on us ~ and I am very grateful for it. He allowed me to enjoy my creativity through music & the piano. He allowed my brother to enjoy his creativity through art. Don't get me wrong, we were up for going to a baseball game now and then...we just didn't really care about the game. We really enjoyed the hot dogs, ice cream, people-watching, and overall "atmosphere" of it all! I, myself, still enjoy that! So anyway...sports and me don't have a lot of ties. My son, however, enjoys playing wiffle ball, basketball, soccer, and other such sports. I guess I'll need to learn from my dad ~ and just allow it, encourage it, and love sitting on those really comfortable outdoor benches....Oooh. Can't wait.
I think it goes without saying that I'm clueless when it comes to basketball - - or any sport for that matter. I take that back. I do enjoy tennis - I stay up all hours of the night to watch the matches across the world. So I guess I do enjoy ONE sport, huh?
The whole sport thing is a mystery to me. I guess since I didn't watch much growing up, I was able to "save" myself from the madness. Yes...we must acknowledge that my father tried and tried to get us (me & my brother) involved in sports. The best part, however, is that my dad just let us be us....he didn't push anything on us ~ and I am very grateful for it. He allowed me to enjoy my creativity through music & the piano. He allowed my brother to enjoy his creativity through art. Don't get me wrong, we were up for going to a baseball game now and then...we just didn't really care about the game. We really enjoyed the hot dogs, ice cream, people-watching, and overall "atmosphere" of it all! I, myself, still enjoy that! So anyway...sports and me don't have a lot of ties. My son, however, enjoys playing wiffle ball, basketball, soccer, and other such sports. I guess I'll need to learn from my dad ~ and just allow it, encourage it, and love sitting on those really comfortable outdoor benches....Oooh. Can't wait.
Pet Power!
Apparently, the ammonia has settled down a little. A couple weeks ago, we got more fish to add to our dwindling tank of plants & water...and they have survived! The kids are very happy! I'm happy because we increased our snail population by 3 - - we now have 5 slow-moving snails in the tank! They are quite the cool & creepy animals. I love to watch 'em "bloop" their mouths against the tank & quite possibly suck the crap off the glass. Gross? yes. Cool? definitely. The "blooping" is amazing to watch...I am mesmerized by their movements & can sit for almost 15 minutes mimicking that "blooping." yep. pretty sad. Oh! And we also replaced the ghost shrimp with 2 more. The aquarium is hoppin', stayin' alive, & movin' on up! :)
As most know, I am not a pet lover....pets are not people, they are not my friends, they do not comfort me, and they certainly do not deserve any love from me. I'm uncomfortable with dogs that sniff certain areas of my body, with cats who sneak up & rub their tails on my legs under a table, and with small things like guinea pigs or rabbits that look so cute & then wiggle/jerk/twitch unexpectedly to scare the bajeebies out of me! I do not like that they require major upkeep, including cleaning pee/poop. Leaving for a weekend not only requires getting the kids ready, it also requires getting a "pet sitter." Any volunteers??? I didn't think so....
Anyway....I have to admit, however, that I enjoy the fish tank in my family room. Easily maintained. Easy to feed - even on long weekends. I like to watch them. It's amazing that their whole life is that little square box on our table. Wonder if they can see "out of the box?" So much world they don't even know about.....
So. Fish. I can live with them. Yikes. The power of pets: are they changing my mindsets?
As most know, I am not a pet lover....pets are not people, they are not my friends, they do not comfort me, and they certainly do not deserve any love from me. I'm uncomfortable with dogs that sniff certain areas of my body, with cats who sneak up & rub their tails on my legs under a table, and with small things like guinea pigs or rabbits that look so cute & then wiggle/jerk/twitch unexpectedly to scare the bajeebies out of me! I do not like that they require major upkeep, including cleaning pee/poop. Leaving for a weekend not only requires getting the kids ready, it also requires getting a "pet sitter." Any volunteers??? I didn't think so....
Anyway....I have to admit, however, that I enjoy the fish tank in my family room. Easily maintained. Easy to feed - even on long weekends. I like to watch them. It's amazing that their whole life is that little square box on our table. Wonder if they can see "out of the box?" So much world they don't even know about.....
So. Fish. I can live with them. Yikes. The power of pets: are they changing my mindsets?
Blog Bonanza!
I've introduced myself to blogging...and I think I'm gonna like it! My crazy thoughts may just mesh with all the other crazies on this internet information explosion. Read, comment, and come back if you wish. As I get better at this, I'll continue to update my stupid stories - - for the amusement of my extended family, mostly. Here's to robb's ramblings! Yippee!
Fish Flushdom
Less than a month ago, I shared a very happy story (for me)about getting rid of
(uh...delivering) the last three guinea pigs under the umbrella of the Family Fundom.
In that last email, I told you that the next level of pet passions was the addition of an aquarium to our family room. While typing, I mentioned that the water was "brewing"
and the fish would arrive the next day. THAT, my friends, is where I'll begin....
The fish arrived! We stopped by our local PetSmart store and consulted the very intelligent teeny bopper in charge of all things fishy.We filled our tank with:
* a large white & black spotted fish (named OREO)
* a couple "zebra" fish (named ZEBRA 1 & ZEBRA 2)
* a white fish (named CLOUD)
* an orange fish (named ORANGE)
* a dwarf frog (named FROGGY)
* a ghost shrimp (named SHRIMPY)
* and 2 snails (sorry. no names - just "the snails")
Oh Wow! They are AWESOME! Cool! Look how that one just bumped into that one!
And wow! so pretty! Eww...the snails are gross! I can't find the ghost shrimp, can you?
(ah....the reason for the name.....)
For days and days we enjoy looking at fish swimming around in a tank....swimming, FROGGY is doing the "frog paddle" through the waves from the filter, the fish continue swimming, swimming, eating flakes of yucky smelling crap, and then ewwww....look at the POOP coming out of the fish! is that blood?!?!? Oh the awesome conversations we are holding at our house! What color POOP Cloud pooped and "how do snails poop, Daddy?" Here we are: back to the poop again. I thought we got rid of the poop with the guinea pigs, and we're talking about poop again. This time,instead of cleaning it up, we're WATCHING it exude from the fish's body!
Then ORANGE starts looking a little limp - the back fin seems to be swaying more than swishing. Couple days go by, and ORANGE is stuck to the filter - you guessed it....dead.
Flush #1
All seems well enough. We're on to "oohing" and "aahing" for a couple more days. Then FROGGY is standing at "attention" next to the rock formation we bought to make the aquarium look more "real." We leave him there for a couple days - hoping he's sleeping......nope.
Flush #2
By now, we're getting a little concerned. Within the next couple weeks, we have flush #3, #4, and #5: Zebra 1, Oreo, and Cloud. Oops - forgot to tell you. In between flush #1 and #2, we bought more fish to pacify very disappointed children. So - then we flushed a couple of them with flush #6 and #7.
Well, here it is the weekend of February 8th and we have 2 snails, Zebra 2, and a ghost shrimp (from the original batch). They all seem quite content with our ammonia-infested water. Yep. Went back to PetSmart and got a handy-dandy "you have too much ammonia in your water" tester kit. We also have kept 3 new orangey fish and a sucker fish alive throughout this new process.
The Family Fundom is becoming the Family Flushdom. Now that we are prepared with a do-it-yourself-ammonia-tester, I'm hoping we'll flush no more - - fish, that is. We're running out of reasons why all these fish need to "visit Nemo."
(uh...delivering) the last three guinea pigs under the umbrella of the Family Fundom.
In that last email, I told you that the next level of pet passions was the addition of an aquarium to our family room. While typing, I mentioned that the water was "brewing"
and the fish would arrive the next day. THAT, my friends, is where I'll begin....
The fish arrived! We stopped by our local PetSmart store and consulted the very intelligent teeny bopper in charge of all things fishy.We filled our tank with:
* a large white & black spotted fish (named OREO)
* a couple "zebra" fish (named ZEBRA 1 & ZEBRA 2)
* a white fish (named CLOUD)
* an orange fish (named ORANGE)
* a dwarf frog (named FROGGY)
* a ghost shrimp (named SHRIMPY)
* and 2 snails (sorry. no names - just "the snails")
Oh Wow! They are AWESOME! Cool! Look how that one just bumped into that one!
And wow! so pretty! Eww...the snails are gross! I can't find the ghost shrimp, can you?
(ah....the reason for the name.....)
For days and days we enjoy looking at fish swimming around in a tank....swimming, FROGGY is doing the "frog paddle" through the waves from the filter, the fish continue swimming, swimming, eating flakes of yucky smelling crap, and then ewwww....look at the POOP coming out of the fish! is that blood?!?!? Oh the awesome conversations we are holding at our house! What color POOP Cloud pooped and "how do snails poop, Daddy?" Here we are: back to the poop again. I thought we got rid of the poop with the guinea pigs, and we're talking about poop again. This time,instead of cleaning it up, we're WATCHING it exude from the fish's body!
Then ORANGE starts looking a little limp - the back fin seems to be swaying more than swishing. Couple days go by, and ORANGE is stuck to the filter - you guessed it....dead.
Flush #1
All seems well enough. We're on to "oohing" and "aahing" for a couple more days. Then FROGGY is standing at "attention" next to the rock formation we bought to make the aquarium look more "real." We leave him there for a couple days - hoping he's sleeping......nope.
Flush #2
By now, we're getting a little concerned. Within the next couple weeks, we have flush #3, #4, and #5: Zebra 1, Oreo, and Cloud. Oops - forgot to tell you. In between flush #1 and #2, we bought more fish to pacify very disappointed children. So - then we flushed a couple of them with flush #6 and #7.
Well, here it is the weekend of February 8th and we have 2 snails, Zebra 2, and a ghost shrimp (from the original batch). They all seem quite content with our ammonia-infested water. Yep. Went back to PetSmart and got a handy-dandy "you have too much ammonia in your water" tester kit. We also have kept 3 new orangey fish and a sucker fish alive throughout this new process.
The Family Fundom is becoming the Family Flushdom. Now that we are prepared with a do-it-yourself-ammonia-tester, I'm hoping we'll flush no more - - fish, that is. We're running out of reasons why all these fish need to "visit Nemo."
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