More great quotes from a great book

I'm re-reading The Creative Professional by Howard J. Blumenthal because it has so many awesome nuggets to ponder over and over again.  It is so practical for me, one of those "creative types" that doesn't quite fit into the mold of regular jobs! LOL.

My favorites:

After years of developing your skills, processes, and contacts, why would you throw that away?  In fact, you don't throw anything away.  Instead, you build on the experience, and if things go well, your opportunities become more interesting over time.

Creative people who prefer to work only in their own creative domains, learning little about business, might seal their own fate.  Business people control the budgets and, in today's economy, they also control the size of the company's payroll.  In the eyes of a hard-nosed business person, a creative professional who takes the time to understand the company's operations and manages his projects accordingly will be far more likely to win the business game than a creative who simply writes or designs with talent and skill.

Successful creative professionals know that the market changes constantly, and that adaptation is a key component in winning the game, or at least, staying alive long enough to remain a player.

A creative professional who delivers work with minimal hassle, on time and on budget, will typically work more often than one who is perceived as "high maintenance," or misses deadlines or over spends the available budget.

Creative work is about doing things people have never done before.

What Max Lucado Is Teaching Me

Max Lucado books are on my shelves and I have to admit, I haven't read all of them completely.  I do enjoy the various "nuggets of truth" Max gives us, and sometimes I get bored.  

This book is different.  I read it from cover to cover and then some.  I've extracted so many interesting thoughts and practical insights from it, I'm sure those around me are tired of hearing about it!

My favorite quote this week and very related to what I've been working through for about a month:

"You can do something no one else can do in a fashion no one else can do it.  Exploring and extracting your uniqueness excites you, honors God, and expands His kingdom.   So 'make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that' (Galatians 6:4 MSG)"

I've been redefining "me" at work and Max has certainly assisted in bringing me closer to God through this book.  This redefinition has been necessary for me to feel "right" with where I've been, where I am now, and where I'm headed.  Topics like purpose and meaning and uniqueness have influenced my thinking lately.  It's been an exciting, sometime heart-wrenching, journey to walk with God the past few months.

I'm certainly glad I've done it though. 

It's all come down to TRUST. 

And I'm a better person because of what God has done (and continues to do) in me and through me! 
God is teaching me things through this situation He could not teach me any other way.

What I see as a terrible thing can be used by God.

Will I trust Him?

Can a praise song be "mind-mapped"?

Recently enjoyed a visit to my wife's home church.  During the singing time with words on the screen, we sang about how God made us to worship.  A line in the song caught my eye....and my heart.  And I have to admit, my thoughts were drawn away from the service and onto this thought:

What does it mean to "embrace surrender"?

I jotted down a bunch of thoughts and I'm sharing them here.  I'd love to see your comments and insights if you'd like to respond.  If not, enjoy a piece of my heart through these ponderings.

to hug - - arms open
to grasp - - take and keep
to envelop - - everything all in
to entangle

to give up
to give in
to breakdown barriers
to let go
to take all and regift it to God, for His works
my gift of self, choosing to embrace

God graciously & generously gives me gifts of talent, abilities, likes, dislikes,preferences,hopes,dreams, & life.

My response is to take it all and re-gift it back to Him - - embracing surrender - - everything He gave can be given back for His glory.

Taking it, allowing Him to mold it for specific earthly purposes.

I'm learning what those purposes are and re-gifting "me" back to God.


Over the years, I've taught myself to think on paper. 

I have a spiral notebook in my car because I think a lot there.  Driving to and from work is when I decompress my day...and I like to get that stuff on paper as much as possible.  When I'm working on a project at home, I usually keep a small pad of paper real close so I can jot down random ideas or thoughts. 

My notebook is filled with quotes from various books on leadership, change, or creativity.  I also transfer sermon notes that especially inspired me or thoughts about work-related issues that need solution ideas.  Occasionally I will use the notebook as a daily journal - - but I must admit: it's not that often!

Writing out notes while I'm reading a book or jotting down ideas about life are my way of getting my thoughts "out there" and workable.  If I kept them all inside my head, well....I'm not sure much would be getting done. I become much more productive when I see what needs to happen.  I also see the bigger picture of where those things need to be.  I can link ideas together (kinda like "mapping") and add drawings and swirlies as I think. Writing it out helps me remember things and also gives me the opportunity to reread it later on for another nugget of insight I might have missed the first time.

Most recently I was thinking about how I look at various changes in my routine, things I am unable to control.  And I came up with my immmediate response while writing out a myriad of thoughts: 
How Can We?

Getting it out on paper helps me try to solve things.  How Can We?  is my response to many of those issues. 
The HOW helps me think differently, ask questions, brainstorm, bounce ideas off someone else, and seek options for my dilemma.  The CAN helps me remember that there is a solution, it's possible and can be achieved.  And the WE piece helps me remember that I can't do it alone.  Involving others is almost always the better way to approach a solution.  I never know until I do so what can be created! 

a simple question for most any complex situation.