Will This Pig Fly?

In January, our family decided to sign up to run/walk the Flying Pig 5K together.   Just 4 months later and we're almost to the date of the actual run/walk....and I'm not sure this pig is ready to fly!

Four months ago, I weighed a lot more than I do now.  I felt like "slob, blob, robb" -- definitely a pig.
In four months, I've lost some weight and increased my energy level.  I've tried new things, including jogging during my somewhat-daily walks and drinking my lunches.  This pig no longer feels big.
Small changes have increased my confidence and motivated me to continue my journey. 

This Saturday, me and my family will be walking side by side for 3+ miles.  Just to sign up and pay the money to participate shows me that we are on the right track.  Exercise and health are 2 things that we're teaching our kids and continuing to learn ourselves.  This is definitely a step (no pun intended) in the right direction.  And personally I am looking forward to a milestone in this pig's journey to slimming down. 

Walking/jogging a 5K is not something that's been on my bucket list.  Fear definitely takes over when I think about it:  fear of failure, looking stupid, falling down due to being out of breath and/or tripping over something or someone--and in my case, it'd be when the local cameraman is filming me!  Being with family is helpful, that's for sure.  Now knowing that it's possible to walk briskly and even jog without dying is helpful too!

No matter what happens on Saturday, I am proud to be a pig that is learning to fly.....in more ways than one.