Can a praise song be "mind-mapped"?

Recently enjoyed a visit to my wife's home church.  During the singing time with words on the screen, we sang about how God made us to worship.  A line in the song caught my eye....and my heart.  And I have to admit, my thoughts were drawn away from the service and onto this thought:

What does it mean to "embrace surrender"?

I jotted down a bunch of thoughts and I'm sharing them here.  I'd love to see your comments and insights if you'd like to respond.  If not, enjoy a piece of my heart through these ponderings.

to hug - - arms open
to grasp - - take and keep
to envelop - - everything all in
to entangle

to give up
to give in
to breakdown barriers
to let go
to take all and regift it to God, for His works
my gift of self, choosing to embrace

God graciously & generously gives me gifts of talent, abilities, likes, dislikes,preferences,hopes,dreams, & life.

My response is to take it all and re-gift it back to Him - - embracing surrender - - everything He gave can be given back for His glory.

Taking it, allowing Him to mold it for specific earthly purposes.

I'm learning what those purposes are and re-gifting "me" back to God.