Life at Home is best when daddy wakes up when the alarm clock goes off the first time. Otherwise, it's rush, rush, rush to take a shower, get the kids up/dressed/eat breakfast, and out the door in time to play, play, play at the bus stop and heave, heave, heave after running to get there!
Life at Home is best when everyone is healthy. Otherwise, it's runny noses, sore throats, tired & tossing bodies in bed, and grumpy moods in the morning.
Life at Home is best when everything is cleaned up and put back before leaving for work, after the kids get on the bus. Otherwise, it's where's this? or where's that? or where did I put those? or why am I so organized at work yet so crazy at home?
Life at Home is best when daddy leaves work on time. Otherwise, it's running "orange" lights, hurrying dinners, catching up with kids, giving/taking baths, and disrupting the going-to-bed routine.
Life at Home is best when weekends are free. Otherwise, it involves packing and decisions and money and car rides and snacks for the car and drinks for the car and movies for the car and things to do in the car and "how long is it going to be?" in the car and "it's already been that long" in the car and falling asleep in the car and/or talking our heads off in the car....
Even when the "otherwises" happen, they just pull the family together.
Then Life at Home translates into Life with Family. And that's where I like to be.